
George Marshall Medical Museum is fortunate enough to have accepted a former loan of a collection of professional and personal items belonging to Mr. Alan Oliver Mann, former Chief Pharmacist at Worcester Royal Infirmary. The collection was on loan for a temporary exhibition celebrating his medical work and artistic talents and then formally donated after the exhibition in 2018.

For an online gallery of his artwork, click here (this really is worth a click!).

A particularly intriguing item on display from the collection, is Mann's remedy kit, containing the raw materials he used to prepare various medicines. Click here to learn more about some of the items in Mann's remedy kit.

Mann played an important role during the Second World War. During this time his profession was a Reserved Occupation, meaning he was exempt from military service due to the specialist knowledge and skills his job required. As a result, he was required to have a full set of surgical tools in case he was called upon to perform emergency operations. At this point, as a qualified Pharmacist, Mann kept his kit fully stocked and readily available as it may have also been called upon.

To download the exhibition panels for this temporary exhibition, click on the images below. They will open in a new window as image files.

Exhibition Panel 1

Exhibition Panel 1

Exhibition Panel 2

Exhibition Panel 2